Author: rainerk
13.04.2018, Meetings related to the CDF study
Yesterday, the second of two meetings aimed to involve the scientific community and to prepare for the upcoming CDF study was successfully concluded. In particular, there was a meeting in Bratislava on March 20-22, which focused on the theoretical aspects of performing tests of quantum physics, and there was a follow-up meeting on April 10-11 […]
15.01.2018, Preparing for a CDF study of MAQRO
Following the meeting at Trento in June 2017, R. Kaltenbaek met at the end of June 2017 with ESA at ESTEC in the Netherlands to discuss the further proceeding. It was agreed that there would be an ESA study of MAQRO at the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) of ESA within the first half of 2018. […]
09.05.2017, New Science Ideas – MAQRO to be investigated more closely by ESA
MAQRO, along with three other proposals, has been identified in line with the spirit of ESA’s call for New Science Ideas to be investigated more closely in collaboration with the community. In particular, there will be a meeting of the lead proposers of the four New Ideas identified and representatives of ESA in Trento, Italy, […]
14.09.2016 – Proposal submitted to ESA’s New Science Ideas
We submitted MAQRO as a proposal to ESA’s call for New Science Ideas. If we are successful, this will allow us to discuss MAQRO with ESA in order to better identify critical issues and a technology roadmap towards a potential future implementation of MAQRO. We decided to submit a proposal in this form rather than […]
25.08.2016 – Article on Radiative-cooling approach published
The article "Thermal performance of a radiatively cooled system for quantum optomechanical experiments in space" by A. Pilan Zanoni, J. Burkhardt, U. Johann, M. Aspelmeyer, R. Kaltenbaek, and G. Hechenblaikner just got published (Applied Thermal Engineering 107, 689 (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.06.116). The image above is the corresponding graphical abstract.
24.03.2016 – MAQRO M4 proposal published
(by Rainer Kaltenbaek, 2016) The updated form of the MAQRO mission proposal, which we submitted last year in response to the “M4” Cosmic Vision call of ESA, finally was published today as a review in EPJ Quantum Technology. The image was designed and rendered using Blender for the start of the COST action QTSpace, which […]
03.12.2015 – LISA Pathfinder successfully launched
LISA Pathfinder was successfully launched yesterday! Apart from that simply being great news as being an important step towards LISA and towards a better understanding of the gravitational universe, for MAQRO this is especially important because it solidifies the important technological heritage of MAQRO from LISA Pathfinder. For example, we also plan to use a […]
11.08.2015 – M5 call to be issued soon
On July 20th, 2015, ESA announced plans for issuing an M5 call in the near future. Of course, we plan to submit our MAQRO proposal once again. As described in the announcement, we should state our interest by September 20th, 2015. This is not necessary but it will show ESA what they can expect in […]
10.03.2015 – M4 proposal on the arXiv
We adapted the MAQRO M4 proposal to paper form for future publication and uploaded it to the arXiv.
03.03.2015 – MAQRO not in the shortlist for the M4 mission
We received the news from ESA today that MAQRO has not been selected for the shortlist of candidate mission proposals that will be investigated in more detail. This is not completely unexpected given the amount of technological development we still have to perform and the tight time frame of ESA for the M4 mission. Nevertheless, […]