

The MAQRO Consortium was founded in 2013. It was redefined in 2021 in the course of preparing a research-campaign white paper for NASA’s BPS 2023 Decadal Survey. While we are preparing the proposal for ESA’s 2021 call for a medium-size mission, we will actively aim to expand the community supporting MAQRO, and we will welcome scientists and engineers to join us.


Lead Proposer:
Rainer Kaltenbaek (SI, AT)
Participating Group Leaders:

Markus Arndt (AT)
Markus Aspelmeyer (AT)
Peter F. Barker (UK)
Angelo Bassi (IT)
James Bateman (UK)
Joel Bergé (FR, ONERA)
Sougato Bose (UK)
Claus Braxmaier (DE)
Caslav Brukner (AT)
Bruno Christophe (FR, ONERA)
Garrett D. Cole (USA)
Catalina Curceanu (IT)
Animesh Datta (UK)
Lajos Diósi (HU)
Andrew A. Geraci (USA)
Christine Guerlin (FR)
Gerald Hechenblaikner (DE, Airbus D&S)
Antoine Heidmann (DE)
Sven Herrmann (DE)
Klaus Hornberger (DE)
Ulrich Johann (DE, retired, Airbus D&S)
Nikolai Kiesel (AT)
Claus Lämmerzahl (DE)
Thomas W. LeBrun (USA)
Gerard J. Milburn (AUS)
James Millen (UK)
Makan Mohageg (USA)
David C. Moore (USA)
Gavin W. Morley (UK)
Stefan Nimmrichter (DE)
Lukas Novotny (CH)
Daniel K. L. Oi (UK)
Mauro Paternostro (UK)
C. Jess Riedel (USA)
Manuel Rodrigues (FR, ONERA)
Loïc Rondin (FR)
Albert Roura
Wolfgang P. Schleich (DE, USA)
Thilo Schuldt (DE)
Hendrik Ulbricht (UK)
Lisa Wörner (DE)
Additional Participating Scientists:
Alessio Belenchia (DE)
Maxime Debiossac (AT)
Uroš Delić (AT)
Stefan Gerlich (AT)
Benjamin A. Stickler (DE)
Christian Vogt (DE)