

  1. R. Kaltenbaek, M. Arndt, M. Aspelmeyer, et al, MAQRO – BPS 2023 Research Campaign Whitepaper, arXiv:2202.01535 (2022)
    Research Campaign Whitepaper submitted in 2021 for NASA’s BPS 2023 Decadal Survey (2022)
  2. A. Belenchia, M. Carlesso, Ö. Bayraktar, D. Dequal, I. Derkach, G. Gasbarri, W. Herr, Yin Lia Li, M. Rademacher, J. Sidhu, D. KL Oi, S. T. Seidel, R. Kaltenbaek, C. Marquardt, H. Ulbricht, V. C. Usenko, L. Wörner, A. Xuereb, M. Paternostro, and A. Bassi, Quantum Physics in Space, Phys. Rep. 951, 1-70 (2022)
  3. R. Kaltenbaek, Feasibility considerations for free-fall tests of gravitational decoherence, AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 015604 (2022).


  1. G. Gasbarri, A. Belenchia, M. Carlesso, S. Donadi, A. Bassi, R, Kaltenbaek, M. Paternostro, and H. Ulbricht, Testing the foundations of quantum physics in space Interferometric and non-interferometric tests with Large Particles, Commun. Phys. 4, 155 (2021)
  2. R. Kaltenbaek, Final Report on “ULE-Cavity-Access” (2021), Project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, Project No.: 854036
  3. R. Kaltenbaek, A. Acin, L. Bacsardi et al., Quantum technologies in space, Exp. Astron. 51, 1677 (2021)


  1.  T. Voirin, M. Bandecchi, P. Falkner, and A. Pickering, CDF Study Report (QPPF), Assessment of a Quantum Physics Payload Platform, CDF-183(C),
  2. A. Belenchia, G. Gasbarri, R. Kaltenbaek, H. Ulbricht, and M. Paternostro. Talbot-Lau effect beyond the point-particle approximation. Phys. Rev. A 100 (3), 033813 (2019).


  1. R. Kaltenbaek, 1st Intermediate Report on “ULE-Cavity-Access”, a project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (2017)
  2. R. Kaltenbaek, 2nd Intermediate Report on “ULE-Cavity-Access”, a project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (2017)


  1. R. Kaltenbaek et al. Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO): 2015 Update. EPJ Quantum Technology 3, 5 (2016)
  2. A. Pilan Zanoni, R. Kaltenbaek, J. Burkhardt, U. Johann, G. Hechenblaikner. Thermal performance of a radiatively cooled system for quantum optomechanical experiments in space. Applied Thermal Engineering 107, 689 (2016)
  3. R. Kaltenbaek et al. Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO) – Proposal for ESA’s call for New Science Ideas (2016)


  1. R. Kaltenbaek et al. Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO): 2015 Update – M4 mission proposal, submitted to EPJ Quantum Technology (2015)
  2. A. Pilan Zanoni, R. Kaltenbaek, J. Burkhardt, U. Johann, G. Hechenblaikner. Performance of a radiatively cooled system for quantum optomechanical experiments in space, submitted to Applied Thermal Engineering (2015)
  3. R. Kaltenbaek, G. Hechenblaikner, T. Schuldt, A. Pilan Zanoni, N. Kiesel, J. Burkhardt, M. Aspelmeyer, C. Braxmaier, U. Johann. Design and build of a glued cavity with good optical access for experiments in quantum optomechanics (publication in preparation)
  4. R. Kaltenbaek, Final Report on “MAQROsteps”, a project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (2015)


  1. G. Hechenblaikner , F. Hufgard, J. Burkhardt , N. Kiesel , U. Johann, M. Aspelmeyer and R. Kaltenbaek. How cold can you get in space? Quantum physics at cryogenic temperatures in space. New J. Phys 16, 013058 (2014)
  2. P. Schmid, U. Sezer, J. Horak, M. Aspelmeyer, M. Arndt and R. Kaltenbaek. NanoTrapS: Trapped nanoparticles for space experiments. Technical Report under Contract AO/1-6889/11/NL/CBi, ESA (2014).
  3. J. Bateman, S. Nimmrichter, K. Hornberger, H. Ulbricht. Near-field interferometry of a free-falling nanoparticle froma point-like source. Nature Communications 5, 4788 (2014)


  1. R. Kaltenbaek and M. Aspelmeyer. Optomechanical Schrödinger cats – a case for space. In “Erwin Schrödinger – 50 Years After“, W. L. Reiter and J. Yngvason, editors, pages 123 – 132. New York: Wiley (2013).
  2. N. Kiesel. F. Blaser, U. Delic, D. Grass, R. Kaltenbaek and M. Aspelmeyer. Cavity cooling of an optically levitated submicron particle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110(35), 14180 (2013)


  1. R. Kaltenbaek, G. Hechenblaikner, N. Kiesel, F. Blaser, S. Gröblacher, S. Hofer, M. R. Vanner, W. Wieczorek, K. C. Schwab, U. Johann, and M. Aspelmeyer. Macroscopic Quantum Experiments in Space (MQES) . Technical Report under Contract Po P5401000400, ESA (2012).
  2. R. Kaltenbaek, G. Hechenblaikner, N. Kiesel, O. Romero-Isart, K. C. Schwab, U. Johann & M. Aspelmeyer , Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO), Exp. Astron. 34, 123–164 (2012)