Following the meeting at Trento in June 2017, R. Kaltenbaek met at the end of June 2017 with ESA at ESTEC in the Netherlands to discuss the further proceeding. It was agreed that there would be an ESA study of MAQRO at the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) of ESA within the first half of 2018. To this end, we assembled a core team to work on MAQRO. For now, the team was agreed to have the following structure:
Principal Investigator: Rainer Kaltenbaek
Project Manager: Angelo Bassi
- WG1 (Theory, led by Mauro Paternostro)
- WG2 (Experiment, led by Hendrik Ulbricht)
- WG3 (Technology, led by James Bateman)
- WG4 (Space, led by Ulrich Johann)